Hello world!

Hey! This is the new SWEF website. It’s still being worked on, so be patient with us. Thanks.

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About RickBrookins

I'm Rick, just as the name above says. I have always look up to the night sky and wondered what it would be like to be in a galaxy like the one in Star Wars. Well, now I have a taste of that through roleplaying in SWEF. I had joined MagForce in March of 1998, and became Team Leader, with the help of that team's members, by August of the same year. I started a new team, Venture Force in November, 1999. Venture Force was my very first creation in SWEF, but closed down after a couple years due to lack of players. My recent creation is Pinnacle Inc., which is doing very well. In my life away from SWEF, I am a design drafter, and am currently working for a company which makes and sells high-end built-in refrigeration products.

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